li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: "it's in God's hands"

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"it's in God's hands"

"Here I am!!"

Look who I found in the laundry

Austin on his Trike
Monday update........ Radiation went well. They were 30 min behind. His eye is pretty raw on the lid. We think it is some radiation and some tape. But other then that he is doing fine.

Today...... My day started with traffic. Yuck. But what really bothered me today while we were sitting in traffic is I happened to look at this SUV where there was a little girl (when I mean little girl she is younger then Austin) in her car seat that was turned rear facing (so she is under a year old) and it looked as she was not strapped in. She was basically sitting up looking out the window. WOW. Her mom was driving while talking on the phone. I wanted to honk at her so bad to tell her to buckle her child in. Here Austin is fighting cancer and there is nothing I could of down to "prevent" it and this lady doesn't have her child strapped in the car seat properly to "prevent" injuries to her child from a car accident. You never know when a car accident will occur. Even if your careful, there are other people out there that are not.

After the traffic was more waiting on the anesthesiologist. An hour late. Then she shows up and we see her in the hallway on the phone. I don't get it? Do you figure your late so it doesn't matter? Poor Austin was so bored waiting. We walked the hall, played outside near the fountain, played in the play room and then he finally came and sat in the waiting room. So an hour later they finally started radiation. After treatment he woke up pretty quick. His eye looks horrible. It is so reddish purple. It seems to bother him today. So they suggested to give him some Tylenol and they might have Dr. Eng look at him tomorrow. He only has two more treatments left to the eye. We go tomorrow to Patel's at 11 am and CTRC 12:30. He might need platelets. If not tomorrow then Friday. So we might have to go to the clinic after CTRC. We will see.

It amazes me of how many people at CTRC (patients mostly) that stop me and ask about Austin. They always ask for his name to pray for him. I always feel that people are attracted to Austin. Yeah maybe it is his bald head or maybe it is mask but at least at CTRC they know what he is going through and understand what the mask means. When we go to Patel's office we sometimes run into kids and they ask their parents what Austin has on his face and why. Their parents usually scramble trying to give them an answer. My favorite answer that a mother gave when her daughter asked why Austin was wearing his mask she told her "because he is special". The daughter never said anymore. I thought that was awesome that she came up with that. Today we were going up the ramp at CTRC and this older lady said "what a brave little boy. We will pray for him". She knows nothing about him but filled our hearts that she would pray for him. While we where visiting the fountain outside a young lady came up to me with what looked like a shaved head (or her hair growing back from chemo) ask me with a smile "what is he fighting?". You could tell she was a fighter herself. I told her Austin's story. I keep thinking about what she told me. She had asked me what his prognosis was and said "even though that doesn't matter because it's in God's hands." She said she has a three year old herself. As she was leaving, Austin was a few feet away and she chanted out to him "Fight Austin Fight". Wow. I am just so floored how these people open up their hearts and prayers. One of the nurses at CTRC told me that everyone (patients) gets to know everyone around there. He said when they see a child like Austin (they don't have to many children Austin's age)it is hard for them to imagine that this child has to go through what they have to. I explained to the lady at the fountain that children handle treatment different then adults. she said "praise the lord". I told her he barley gets sick from chemo and she said "WOW". I just love to share Austin's story with people so they too can witness this miracle of life!!!



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