li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: We are here.....

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

We are here.....

We made it to Methodist at 1:30 this afternoon. We have been just hanging out. We are on the oncology side for now. They are full at the hospital all over. We have a roommate right now. The little boy was sleeping this afternoon and Austin threw a two year old fit and woke him up. He screamed while they accessed him but the real reason was he was so tired from throwing his fit. He did the same thing at CTRC. When he doesn't get what he wants he just lets you know. At CTRC he wanted to go back to the vault and he wasn't very happy he was in a different room today. They did the simulation first. He even woke up made. But as soon as he got some food in his belly he was a happy boy. Same thing tonight. He is eating right now. He was eating and falling asleep. Now he is wide awake eating watching Barney. His eye started to look bad under the eye. We don't know why. When he was laying in the bed with me Grimley thought he should start him on antibiotics but when he got down on the floor to play he said it looked fine and we will just watched it. It kind of looks like a black but then it looks like almost a rash or he rubbed it on something. Who knows with Austin. We start chemo tomorrow. Cytoxin. We had this chemo with Patel so we are very familiar with it. I was going to post picture but forgot to bring the USB cord so I will have to get jason to bring it up tomorrow.

Funny: We are having a deja vu today. We are in the same room when Austin got an infection in his old port and had to have it taken out. That was when we were kicked off the fourth floor because the roommates mother didn't want a roommate for her son. It is still all fresh in my mind. Haha. Oh well.



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