li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Got Soy Milk????

Friday, June 30, 2006

Got Soy Milk????

Well hello again,

We went to Dr. Patel's office today. We have no port remember so I keep wondering how they are going to check his counts. They did a finger stick. I thought oh boy. The nurse poked his finger and Austin didn't cry at all. He just watched as they put his blood in a little tube. He tried very hard at getting the bandaid off his finger. His counts look really good. His red blood count finally came up. We did find out that the new port placement is on Wednesday and radiation starts Thursday. Wow. All the changes. I had a feeling it would get changed again. We will still be going to Dr. Patel's office once a week. We will just go after radiation. Both places are in the same area so it works out good.

Tomorrow we are taking a road trip to Austin to visit family and have dinner. So Austin will have lots of fun playing with cousins. Sunday we hope to go swimming if it doesn't rain. And if it is not raining on Monday maybe the zoo. It all just depends on the weather.

I need the prayer warriors to start working again. We have a family friend, Max, that is going to have surgery next week. We need him surrounded by angels to watch over his surgery.

We love ya'll,



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