li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Hey everyone,

Well today was a waste of a day. We started our day at CTRC at 8:45am. We had to give Austin oral contrast in 4 ozs of fluid which he did not want to drink. I had to force it down with a syringe. He cried hysterically. I felt like a bad mommy. He then was fine and played, then took a nap on me. We kept looking at our watches and looking at our watches and no one had come for us to do this scan. We were scheduled for 11 am. Finally the anesthesiologist came to talk to us. She said, " He is accessed right?" I said no, no one has come to access him yet. I had put numbing cream on after he finished the contrast thinking they would be back to do it. It takes about 45 min to kick in. They send someone in to access him. They couldn't get a blood return. So they get some one else. They can't get a blood return. They stuck him 4 times and could not get a blood return!!! The numbing cream wasn't working any more and Austin is screaming!!! The doctor and anesthesiologist had left the room and the nurse said."well we are just going to have to reschedule for tomorrow." I thought to myself, to heck with that. We aren't doing this again. I choose not ro rescan! Austin is very upset by now, so the nurse tells me to give him his milk. The doctor and the anesthesiologist come back in and said they had a new plan. They said," Oh no he can't have milk!" We let them know the nurse said it was okay. They were going to gas him up and put an IV in. But it was too late. I then broke down. I couldn't take it anymore. This was the worse I have ever felt. My child is very upset. They had to poke him 4 times and now we have wasted it all and have to come back to do it again. As these 4 people began to go on and on, I took Austin and left the room. They decided since we had a Dr. appt with Dr. Patel on Friday, that we would go to the clinic get the drink and then go over Dr. Patel's get accessed and they could get his counts and back to the clinic to scan. The doctor said she would call Dr. Patel and coordinate and call me. So we all agreed and we left.

It is now 12:30 and we go to lunch. My mom and I both don't feel good about this port not working. We called Dr. Patel's office and they said to come over. The only had to work on the port a few tries and they had it working. So they went ahead and ran his counts. We also found out that Austin was running a 100.0 temp. Patel said he felt warm to him but would wait to see his counts. His ears looked good. His counts came back. Patel was not really happy with them. One of them concerned him for bacteria infection. So he is on watch right now with his fever. We go back tomorrow for recheck and then they will leave him accessed. I just talked to the Dr. At CTRC and after his appt with Dr. Patel tomorrow I will swing by the clinic to pick up the contrast. I will give him the contrast Friday at 5:30 am and then he will have his scan at 7:30 am. So we will see how everything goes.

That is all for now.


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