li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle

Monday, March 05, 2007

Austin's weekend went well. He started his ATG (rabbit serum) and to a few little red spots and a little bit of a fever. But after a few doses of tylenol the fever was gone. It didn't get higher then 100.1. Today is day two and so far no fever and no new rashes. The steroids are kicking in. He is getting steroids around the clock. He is acting very aggressive and loves to scream at the top of his lungs. It is already 2:30 and no nap yet. He even has had a dose of benadryl and still isn't asleep. He is watching Lady and the Tramp so soon he should drift off to sleep. I may just shut my eyes with him. The floor is still full so it looks like the roommates will have their transplant together on the same day. We are still on schedule. We will have ATG today and tomorrow. He also goes to CTRC tomorrow for TBI (total body irradiation). AMR (ambulance service) picks us up at 1:15 tomorrow. We talked to Grimley this morning and how the nurse suggested to do the ATG early in the morning tomorrow. He agreed because he like to do transplant at least 24 hours after the last does of ATG. We are still looking at going home on Thursday IF he is still eating and drinking (which he is) and no fever (besides the fever he gets with the ATG. BUT..... he may end up right back in the hospital, just depends. But like Dr. Grimley says it would be a nice break to get home at least and we will be in clinic probably on Friday. Grimley says Austin's counts are showing things are working. And that is after only one dose of ATG. Austin will be NPO after 8 am tomorrow. So shall be an interesting day. Later I will post a bunch of pictures.



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