li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Scan complete....

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Scan complete....

We got back to the room form the scan at around 2:00. They only had to give him laughing gas and not general anesthesia for the scan. It is a very quick scan. Wasn't too long after we got back when Grimley walked in our room.He gave the thumbs up. He said the scan looked good. The brain looks fine. The eye shows still some soft tissue but it is still early. It could still be swollen from radiation. He said it isn't too much smaller than last scan but it hasn't gotten any larger. He said it may go down some and it may stay as scar tissue. Grimley doesn't think that Austin is in "pain" from something just has the "blahs" from transplant. Some kids experience flu like symptoms. He said he isn't having symptoms from his flu, he just still has the virus in his system that he can pass to someone else. We gave him some Tylenol to see if that helps instead of giving him some heavy duty pain meds. Morphine just makes him sleep all day. So as long as no one is messing with him he is fine. If anyone tries to touch him, even me, he screams. Doesn't want to eat yet and only drinks a little bit. They have backed down on his fluids and we will stay another night and see how he is tomorrow. It may just be something we have to put up with for awhile as there isn't really anything they can do. He doesn't think it is graft vs. host as he would have diarreah and he is constipated right now. Grimley feels that less is more for Austin right now. Meaning he doesn't want to do anything different and just let Austin ride it out. He feels the more he does could disturb the grafting that is already going on. He is asleep right now, so I am hoping when he awakes he will feel like eating some and drinking.



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