li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Fever watch...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fever watch...

Well Austin is still very punky. His feet hurt. He doesn't really play at all. He lays on the couch and watches movies. He gets down and walks around only a little bit. He gets up to go to the kitchen for me to get him waffels, pancakes and soft pretzels. That's what he has been eating. Tonight for dinner we had pizza and he ate a whole slice. Way to go Austin. But a fever sprung on tonight. He has been running low grade fevers of the highest 99.5 but tonight it went up to 100.9. I called the hospital and they called the on call doctor Dr. Wall. They said since he has an appointment tomorrow to go ahead and watch it. If he gets higher or something changes like vomiting, breathring trouble, ect to give them a call back. So far it hasn't changed and he is in bed. I have to give him meds at 9:45 and will check his temp again. He is so good when I go in there he just lifts his arm for me to put the thermomater under his arm.

He just woke up. I took his temp. Down to 99. Thank you lord. Keep the prayers going. I put a post on Austin's myspace page about his fever and got tons of messages already on people praying and the fever is coming down. Now if it would just stay down. We will see what tomorrow brings. Have a great Monday!



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