li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Punky Austin....

Monday, March 19, 2007

Punky Austin....

There is some kind of good news and some bad news. Austin is feeling bad again. He didn't have a good night sleep. We went to clinic today and was just so not him. With all of the symptoms of grafting. That is the some what good news. Which is a good thing but they don't feel good. So now we will go to clinic everyday for a careful watch. He got fluids and will probably need blood tomorrow and platelets later in the week. If he gets a high fever of course he will have to go to the hospital. The floor is still full so they don't want to have to do that. The bad news though is they swabbed his nose the other day and the test as finally come back POSITIVE!! Oh no!!! He feels probably bad because he might have a touch of the flu. I hate this. Man on man this stinks. They will reswabb his nose tomorrow and we will see. Please pray this is an error and he really doesn't have the flu. He doesn't need this right now. I feel so bad for him as he feels so sick. Thanks for the prayers.



At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry he isn't feeling well! I pray he doesn't have the flu!! It's bad on anyone, must less a child with a low immune system!! He is strong though! VERY STRONG!

Much love and Prayers,
April F.


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