li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Waiting Patiently

Friday, February 02, 2007

Waiting Patiently

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I just totally forgot to. Austin went for his follow up with Dr. Dowski and all is well. It was a large exam room and Austin thought it was cool going to a "different" office. So he ran around the room. Dr. Dowski came into the room and sat on the floor to Austin's level. Made friends with him and then asked to see his "boo boo". Austin pointed to his side and Dr. Dowski said yes I want to see your "boo boo". So Austin let him look at it. He said it is healing fine. Told us now all is done on their part and that him and his team would be there for support. He asked where we were in treatment and wished us the best of luck and we were on our way. It was a nice change of scenery.

Well this morning Austin woke up at 3:30 am HOT!!! Yes fever strikes. It didn't get higher then 100 so I didn't call. He plays with us. It goes up and then down and then back up. We went for counts thinking too he would get admitted. Austin's counts sucked today. White count was lower then yesterday and ANC isn't registering. Platelets went from 117 to 47!!!! So he needed a platelet transfusion. Patsy didn't want to send him over to the clinic as they were full. She thought the best thing to do was to stick around and wait for the fever to spike and then get admitted and get platelets in the hospital. Patel came in and changed things. He decided to go ahead and give the 4 th floor orders for admittance and to send Austin to the clinic for platelets. They said that they would watch his fever over at the clinic and if it spiked then for us to go to the 4th floor after transfusion. Tylenol is one of the premeds Patel gives to his patients for transfusion. Since they were watching his fever, I asked the nurse then should we not give him Tylenol? If we give him Tylenol we will never know if it spikes here. So said yes let me call Patel. He said no Tylenol. So Austin got platelets and took a long nap. A well needed nap since we were up at 3:30 this morning. His temp went to 99.2 to 99.8, to 97.8 all in Patel's office. When we were at clinic it ranged from 99.5 to 97.1. When platelets were at the end his nurse called over to the office to see what Patel wanted us to do. He said give fluids for and hour and if temp spiked send them over to the "big house". If they don't then send them home. Well we are at home. As of right now he hasn't spiked. His forehead is nice and cool. So we will wait and see.

CTRC called while we were at clinic. Radiation will start Monday at 9am. Patel has already put in Austin's orders if he gets admitted that he will need transportation to CTRC. Radiation wills still go on no matter where we are.

So the car is packed and ready to go if we need to. We are laying way LOW until we are out of the woods which will be some time. Usually at this point Austin's body takes a while to produce white cells.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. I will update if we get admitted.



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