li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Platelets??......Why yes!!!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Platelets??......Why yes!!!!

Platelets were down to 33 today so with the weekend coming Austin got platelets. Patel called to let them know he was coming and then came to tell us the "inn" was full so he needed to wear a mask. He also reminded us to wash or hands. I thought this was strange that he was telling this to us, if he only new of all the lysoling and purelling we do. So I told him of course we will wash our hands. So we go over to the clinic. The clinic wasn't too bad, we were in the main transfusion room and there was only one other child there at the time. The nurse that was at Patel's was his nurse for today. She told me she talked to "Mahendra". She said after she got that Austin was coming she called him back to find out if his counts were down. She told him that all of the private rooms were full with "dirty" kids and wanted to know if he would be okay in the main room. Patel told her that the counts were okay. I laughed when she told us this. Now that explains why he said wash your hands, because of the "dirty" kids. LOL. The day wasn't too bad as far as time. The platelets got there fast and Austin slept once again through the whole thing. His white count is still down, so we have his shots for the weekend. No fun. I think the steroids he get with blood products is getting to him. He had this horrible tantrum this afternoon. We had to hold him because we were so afraid he was going to hurt himself on the floor. We go back Monday for counts again. His red cells were stable so hopefully they will stay that way. So this weekend will be another spent inside. Have a great weekend.


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