li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Dr. Austin Akin

Friday, October 06, 2006

Dr. Austin Akin

Yeah the day finally came that we needed platelets. I woke up this morning already with the feeling we would be getting platelets today. Just one of those mother feelings again. When we got to Patel's office today there were quit a few people in the waiting room. Patel came out and sat and talked to Austin. He asked if he was next and I had no clue. He laughed and said why don't you know. He went and looked on the sign in sheet and then said come on Austin lets go back. I feel that Austin might of been the only kid there that he felts counts could be down so he needed to be away from them. Also too Austin took his mask off and gave it to Patel. So that could be a reason too. He said something about what we were doing this weekend and I told him nothing. He said why not. I told him Austin counts. He looked at me puzzled but I already new. Counts would be down. And they were. So yes Austin is stuck inside for the weekend.Patel did say he could play in the backyard. Didn't say he had to wear a mask but I am going to try and get him to. He is fighting the mask, so it is very hard. Platelets were low enough to get a transfusion. We didn't mind going over to the clinic so much since we got to see our nurse friend (Delores). She instantly said the swelling is down. That made me feel good. She is a very honest person. She will tell you like it is. He pretty much slept through the transfusion since they give him benadryl. He did wake up once screaming. We tried everything. Took his shoes off, took his shorts off, changed his diaper, checked his port and gave him milk. We later heard and felt him expel some gas. So more then likely that was it. He did finally drank some milk and ate some crackers. On the way home we got him some Chick-fil-a and he was pretty happy. Now he is playing with the laundry. Putting shorts on his head. Oh what a silly boy. This should be a quite, nice weekend. I plan on getting my house in order and playing with Austin. I have been going through his toys. Since he got a lot of new ones when he was in the hospital I have been packing up some that he doesn't play with anymore. Well I better go get to cleaning. Have a great weekend!!!!



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