li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Just when you think you can live a normal life....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Just when you think you can live a normal life....

I never thought I would have to write a post like this. Exactly. Where do I begin. This is going to be hard for me to write. Here goes. Sunday I noticed Austin's eyes didn't look right, they looked bulged or bug eyes (pushed out). Last night we saw swelling on his right side of his head near the temple. It is soft to the touch. We called Dr. Patel's exchange. Patsy was on call. She said maybe something bit him and do give him a high dose of benadryl and in six hours if it is not down do another dose. If it still was not down to call her. Well it didn't go down. So I called today. We had a 2:30 appointment to see them. Patel says it doesn't look good. He doesn't like the way it looks nor the way it feels. He says he is very worried. VERY WORRIED. If he is very worried can you imagine what I am? I hardly slept last night. Those same feelings of when he was diagnosed and I knew something was wrong came back to me. Oh what a nightmare! He threw in the pot that it could be his port. It is all on the same side. But his body language is telling me otherwise. Austin has fooled us in the past with his fevers so lets hope he is fooling us now!!! Patel is already thinking about the game plan and treatment if we need to go that route and we will jump on it right away. As soon as we know. Scans have been moved up to tomorrow. We have to be at the hospital at 1:00P.M. Well it is time for some prayers. I know we haven't stopped praying put we need to bring in the big guns!

All in all Austin looks good other then his bulged eyes and his bump on the side of his head. Patel said his counts look fairly decent. He is eating and drinking and dancing. He just hasn't been sleeping very well. But neither have I.

I balled my eyes out to Patel telling him I can't lose Austin (which I am sure he gets a lot) He said the fight is NOT over yet. We will keep on fighting. Then as we left he told Austin he loved him. I won't forget the fear in his eyes as I left his office today. He asked me if I have had FEELINGS and I told him YES!!!

PRAY: pray tonight that this nightmare is only Austin fooling us. Pray for the strength of Dr. Patel to help us fight if we need to. Pray that Christi Thomas is up there guiding us to the cure!!! Pray that they get a cell line (FU NB 2006) from Christi Thomas that could help find us a cure!!



At 12:24 PM, Blogger Jennifer Lehmann said...

Well its 1:17...praying everything is going well and you get good results. Praying for a CURE!

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Jennifer Lehmann said...

oh and there is no better name than FU NB 2006


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