li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: When it rains it pours.....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

When it rains it pours.....

A year ago were dealing with a sick Austin not knowing what was going on with him. Well a year later it feels the same. Austin and I have been battling a couple sleepless nights and a lot of crying and throwing himself on the floor. I can't tell if he is in pain or the start of terrible twos. He just hasn't been his normal self.

We went to Patel's office today and Patsy could see that Austin wasn't his normal self either. His counts were okay (a little lower then Fridays). NSE didn't come back because the lab could not run it (another wait for that test). This is twice the lab could not run his test so this time they sent it over to the hospital and it should come back faster, but yes we have to wait. She looked in Austin's right ear and said it looked good. She looked in Austin's left ear and said no this one looks bad. Worse then the right did. Well that explains whey hasn't been feeling well. His ear has been hurting. No fever. No pulling at it. Just really bugged him when she looked in it. She also said that his chest sounded congested and he still has his runny nose. That worried her. So she sent us over to the hospital to get a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia and would call in a prescription for his ear infection.

Patsy called this evening to say the chest x-ray looked clear. So he is on Septra twice a day for 14 days. Lets pray this gets rid of his runny nose too. He has had it for over a month! His pour little mouth is very dried and cracked from the accutane. I know it hurts him. I put medicine on it and he licks it off. Hopefully maybe tomorrow Austin will start to feel better. Patsy had given us a prescription for ear drops for pain last time so I started using them again. Austin hates them but they seem to work.

We are working to get Austin's story out there along with other Neuroblastoma stories and so far Austin is now listed another website. Here is the link if you want to take a look. His picture is listed on the slideshow and he is name is on the "kids" page too.

We go back Friday for recheck again.



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