li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: We have moved...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

We have moved...

We are now out of the PICU and in the hem/onc floor (4th floor). We are in the turtle room. Austin was up at 4 am this morning and could not go back to sleep. He tried and tried, so he played a little while and I put a movie on for him. I then put him in my lap and he fell fast asleep. The nurse came in at 6 am to say they have a room on the hem/onc floor for Austin and we would be going shortly. Wow, it is 6 am!!! So I put Austin back in his bed and packed things up. I sat in the chair waiting and fell asleep. They came in around 7:30 to wake me up and told us we are ready to go. So we got over to the 4th floor and settled in. Austin went back to sleep quickly when we got here. It didn't take long for me to go either. Now I can sleep in a bed and not in a chair. Austin is up playing with his toys watching Wiggles, but I am not sure if he is happy to be on the 4th floor or not. Austin seems to be not as happy as he didn't want to take his oral meds over here. He always does so well taking them. I guess we will see. Well I still don't know what time scans are tomorrow. I don't even know if anything is scheduled yet. The surgeon has been in and said his chest x-ray looks good. He seems to be in less pain now. He can go longer without pain meds. So when I know more I will update.



At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is good to hear that Austin continues to improve. I hope it stays that way and that scans go well.


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