li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Night Update..

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Night Update..

Austin is settled in PICU. He is in and out of sleep. He was very fussy here and there but now seems comfortable. We have the TV on cartoons so he can have some other noise other then all of the machines beeping. We find him waking up watching some TV and then back to sleep. It is different here in the PICU. It takes some getting use to. Put we will survive. They have all been very nice to us. Our favorite nurse "D" came to visit him before surgery and after. I asked her if she got the low down from Patel and she said yes. I asked her what he said to her and what feeling she got from him. She said he was very happy with the surgery and in fact said it went better then he expected. She said he doesn't lie to her. She told me a funny story. She said last night she put her little girl to bed and then went to say her prayers. She said when she started praying for Austin she started crying (while she is telling me this she started crying and me too). She said she balled so loud it woke up the dog. It was funny. She is so good to us. She is so honest with us too. We have a lot of support here at the hospital. Austin's PT and OT are the best. They always come and check up on us and keep up with everything that is going on. These people are just like family to us. They stay by our sides and when they see us down they lift us up. Thank you for everyone's prayers and support. We really could not do it without you guys. Power of prayers is truly amazing. I feel that not only Patel scrubbed in today, but God did too.



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