li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Platelets falling....

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Platelets falling....

Austin handled chemo like a champ again today. He is still feeling well and still eating and drinking pretty well. His energy level is still pretty high. He has been sleeping well too. Thanks to good old benadryl. I get to give his zofran and benadryl through his port again. So I sleep three hours get up change his diaper or give him meds. I caught up on my sleep with him during his later afternoon nap we took. It was nice. Now he is digging in his toys.

Platelets are taking a toll so my guess is platelet transfusion tomorrow and red cells on Friday. So the next two days shall be long ones. We are hoping for Christmas Austin stays out of the hospital so please pray this can happen.

Thanks for all the prayers and support. It helps us get through this rough time. The holidays always make it hard. I was hoping for a "normal" Christmas with Austin this year. Hope for next year.



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