li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: One more day of chemo!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

One more day of chemo!!!

Yes, one more day left and it is going to be a long one. Today was long as well. We had chemo for an hour and a half at Patel's (we were there for about two hours)and then Austin had to get a blood transfusion. (we were there for three hours). Tomorrow will be the last day of chemo but he will also need platelets. The thing that stinks about tomorrow is they didn't send us home on fluids. The nurse asked and Patel said no. I started to think about it and said why not, because tomorrow we have to go get platelets so it is going to be a long day. The nurse said, he didn't say he needed to. Then she understood what I was talking about, we will have to do fluids when we get there. Then she told us she needed the pump through out the day is why we couldn't. Well that stinks. Wonder what they would have us do if we did need to go home with fluids. Oh well. We will see how it goes. He did well today. Watched cartoons while he got chemo and then he slept the whole three hours while he got blood. He ate four chicken nuggets for lunch and seems to be tolerating the milk fine. We just got home so now he is playing with all of his toys he missed today. He has seemed to be in a VERY good mood today. He played with all of the nurses today. Had long conversations with them too. At Patel's office when they call you back you first go to a station to get weighed, measured, blood pressure and temp. Austin has learned where to go and the order of these things. Patel took him back today and said I only need a weight. So Austin got on the scale. Then he got off and backed up to get measured. Patel felt bad and laughed and said "I guess I better measure him". Over the weekend when we met Patel up at the office he would go run to the scale and Patel would tell him he didn't need to. Silly Austin. While getting blood he likes to help out by giving his leg to them for a blood pressure and holds his arm up so they can take his temp. Then when all done he claps. Oh boy has he been in a good mood. He even woke up from his nap in a good mood. So tomorrow we go to Patel's at 9 and get chemo and then go for his platelets. We will go home with his shots again.



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