li ar Austin Akin's Cancer Battle: Another day of chemo....

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Another day of chemo....

We met Dr. Patel at this office for chemo. It didn't take long at all. We came home with fluids to run during the night while he is sleeping. I am going to try and have them run through the morning until he gets his chemo tomorrow. We don't know what time chemo will be tomorrow as Patel has to set it up with security to come open the building to let us all in. Once again Austin slept through chemo. He must think that is what you do when you get chemo. LOL. So far no side effects. Still eating and drinking well. Energy level is still high. He has been playing all over the house. Into everything. The picture I have enclosed is Austin on his Zebra bouncing. I say "bounce, bounce, bounce" and he bounces away while he giggles. You can also see his bruise on his forehead. He went to lay his head down on his tiger couch and missed and hit the floor. I noticed today the corner of his eyes has the bruise again and he hasn't hit himself. I wonder if it is the tumor moving or something causing the bruise. So, so far good. I will update tomorrow.



At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checked the blog. Good to read things are going well and that Austin will be done with chemo by Thanksgiving. By the way, we check and read the blog all the time, but this is the 1st time we have left a comment.

We wish you guys all the best and keep up the good work!!--Jimmy & Cheryl


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